Monday, December 14, 2009

Super social weekend

I had a great weekend that went way too fast. I hung out with a bunch of friends!

Friday night we had sushi and sake at Osaka's with Erin and David. It was a lot of fun, and their recommendations were fantastic. It's fun to order things a little outside your comfort zone. I would be happy with California and shrimp tempura rolls all the time, but next time I go I'm going to have trouble picking from some new favorites. Mmmm.

Afterwards we met Corey, Autumn, and Scott at our house and had a pre-blue note drink. Then we headed over to the blue note. We just barely missed the East Ash Street Band. Speakeasy played the second set, which rocked. And Madahoochi played for the third set. We danced and marveled at the lights (milkdrop with a Dylan spin). We hung out late into the night, had breakfast in the morning, and everyone went on their way. We were happy to see everyone!

Then we went to Buck and Nicki's to meet the little baby. He's cute!!! He only cried once when we were there and it was because it was time to eat. He was such a laid back baby, and he loves to cuddle.

We are very proud to be an aunt and uncle. :)

They cooked us a great dinner, and then I rushed home to meet up with Emily. She straightened my hair, we threw together some snacks, and headed over to Laura's for our holiday Christmas party.

Em's chocolate dipped pretzels were a hit! I really liked my hair too. She's awesome.

Sunday I slept late. Kyle and I went to the public library. It had been awhile since either one of us had been there, and we vow to go back. I need to read more, so I will probably make some sort of new year's resolution to that effect.

Emily and I made a quick trip to the mall to check out some shoes that we didn't buy. I got Jillian Where the Sidewalk Ends at Target. We didn't spend much time there. It was way too busy.

Talked to Mom and Dad on the phone for about an hour. We discussed roofing contractor woes and Christmas plans. My vow to not knit any Christmas gifts might be broken. Mom wants a scarf, Dad wants a hat and coozies, Jeremy wants socks. I wish they wouldn't have told me this 12 days before Christmas. Geesh.

Then I took a 1/2 hour nap. After sleeping in late this morning! Which is why I'm still up at 330am.

I watched bad reality TV with Kristin, Greg, and Karmann. I watched bad funniest home videos with Kyle. I knitted on the couch for a bit, until Miss Kitty decided that I needed to stop so she can sleep on my arm... where she still is now.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blog abuse with dates

Thought I'd post because it's been so long. It's a good thing I don't have a long list of loyal readers. Here's some dates/data/highlights (that I can remember):

I'm married now, as of 10/24/9. :) It's pretty cool. I'm still working on changing my last name, but it's a pretty slow process.

10/28 was Kyle's birthday. I made him a cake.

I hit my goal weight on 11/24/09. Finally! I'm back to exactly where I was on 3/9/08 when I quit smoking.

11/26/9 was Thanksgiving this year, but I had to work. I was a little bummed about it, until I realized how silly I was. I got paid time and 1/2, plus got an extra 8 hours of vacation banked, and I still had Thanksgiving when I got home. Kyle made me a turkey dinner (with fixins...pretty romantic). Then we had a family celebration on 11/28/9 with the Quincy crew and the full turkey spread. Wow. I'm spoiled.

One of my best friends is a new daddy as of 12/1/9 at 4pm. We're super excited for him and his family!

L bought a Wakarusa ticket today. Woot! June can get here any time now.

And every day in between I've been struggling to not buy more yarn. But I have failed multiple times.